
Using Course Grades to Assess the Student Experience (Mathematics)

While course grades are not fine-tuned enough to give information about student achievement on specific learning outcomes, they can nonetheless provide a rough indication of some aspects of curricular effectiveness, which programs can use – often in combination with other measures – to guide decision-making. Course grades are often considered the “indicator” type of indirect […]

Warm Syllabus Workshop Brings Inclusive Excellence to Syllabus Design

Research shows that student belonging is a key aspect of student academic success, especially for underrepresented students. A holistic approach to increasing student belonging includes the careful construction of all documents related to the course, including the syllabus. In May, nearly 60 instructors from 30 departments explored ways to reduce unintended barriers and set a […]

WSU’s Approach to Assessment Highlighted by National Organization

The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), widely-recognized as the preeminent organization in the area of student learning outcomes assessment in higher education, regularly spotlights good assessment practices employed by colleges and universities across the country. In 2019, WSU was showcased by NILOA in a case study due to our promising approach to assessing […]

Categories: Assessment, UCORE

Using National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Results to Assess the Senior Experience (School of Molecular Biosciences)

Every two years, WSU participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) to help assess student engagement in educational practices associated with high levels of learning and development. In collaboration with Institutional Research, ATL disaggregated 2017 WSU NSSE results by major for undergraduate academic degree programs and colleges, focusing on responses from seniors, intended […]

Categories: Assessment, Spotlight

Program Assessment Contributes to Teaching and Service Accomplishments in Faculty Annual Review

January opens the new year and begins the annual review process for faculty, a time to reflect on and report accomplishments of the past year.  ATL joins university leadership in valuing the contributions faculty make as they engage in assessment activities that advance student learning in undergraduate courses and curricula. Beginning in 2018, updates to […]

ATL Visit to WSU Tri-Cities and Assignment Design Workshop

ATL would like to thank WSU Tri-Cities faculty and staff for a successful visit this fall. In November, ATL traveled to WSU’s Tri-Cities Campus to meet with WSU Tri-Cities colleagues about program assessment and to present a workshop on Transparent Assignment Design. 

Accreditation Reaffirmed by NWCCU, WSU’s Next Steps Take Shape

Now that fall semester is in full swing and many faculty and administrators with assessment duties have kicked off another cycle of assessment, we in ATL find ourselves wrapping up 2018 undergraduate program assessment reporting. In doing so, we are reminded of the effort and dedication that goes into creating a viable system of assessment […]

WSU-wide Summary of 2018 Undergraduate Degree Program Assessment Reports Available

In October, ATL presented Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Mary Wack and the Provost’s Accreditation, Assessment, and Academic Program Review Committee with the 2018 WSU-wide Summary of Undergraduate Degree Program Assessment Reports from all WSU undergraduate degrees. WSU’s undergraduate degree programs report annually on their system of assessing student learning, a practice begun in 2009. […]

May 2018 Assignment Design Workshop Registration

The Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning (ATL) is pleased to offer an assignment design workshop this May, “Clearer Assignments Promote Better Student Work,” designed to assist instructors in designing and refining assignments to more effectively foster and assess student learning, while increasing possibilities for student success. A well-designed and transparent assignment can promote student […]

Team-based Online Focus Group Activity Collects Student Input on Capstone Project (Agricultural and Food Systems)

Focus groups provide a way to get feedback about student experiences, perceptions, and motivations, and can provide insight into the ways a curriculum can be most effectively designed to support student learning. In Spring 2017, ATL worked with Dr. Desmond Layne, Director of Agricultural and Food Systems (AFS), to pilot a new focus group activity […]