Assessment Plans

An assessment plan articulates a program’s intended process and timeline for conducting program assessment activities, including collecting, analyzing, and using program assessment data. Assessment plans also help communicate the various roles and responsibilities of program leadership and faculty in the assessment process.

Value of Assessment Plans

Program assessment plans support efficient, effective, and sustainable assessment efforts as they can:

  • Provide a reasonable scope, scale, and timeline for assessment efforts each year
  • Allow for coordination and delegation of assessment efforts for individuals, committees, and other units within departments/schools and colleges, and across multiple campuses
  • Contribute to regular documentation practices
  • Support succession planning and continuity through expected and unexpected transitions

Assessment Plans at WSU

WSU undergraduate degree programs are responsible for developing and regularly updating an assessment plan for program-level assessment, as appropriate for the program’s emerging needs and priorities. The assessment plan should include the program’s student learning outcomes, curriculum map, a description of assessment measures, an intended timeline for key activities, and an indication of who will be involved in the program’s assessment efforts (ACE has summarized suggested roles and responsibilities (PDF) for program assessment at WSU, which may aid planning). It can also be helpful to include the purposes of a program’s assessment, including the program’s specific assessment questions related to student learning.

ACE Services for Assessment Plans

We’re here to help — contact us for more information or to request our services

  • One-on-one or group consultations
  • Interactive workshops

Spotlights Related to Assessment Plans

Highlighting program assessment in action

Assessment Plans Toolkit

The resources below are intended to help programs and faculty as they develop or update their assessment plan. ACE is available to collaborate with undergraduate degree programs to develop or update assessment plans; contact us for additional information.

Sort by Type, Author, or Title to find what you need.

Quick GuideACE - WSUQuick Guide to Program Assessment Plans (PDF)Resource intended to help WSU programs and faculty consider good practices for developing and updating program assessment plans
TemplateACE - WSUProgram Assessment Plan Template (DOCX)Template intended to help WSU programs and faculty develop or update their program assessment plan
MockupACE - WSUProgram Assessment Plan Mockup (DOCX)Mockup assessment plan intended to represent one example of an effective and sustainable program assessment system
ExamplesVarious WSU ProgramsWSU Examples of Assessment PlansWebpage featuring a selected sample of assessment plans from WSU programs in various disciplines

Additional Resources and Scholarship


Hutchings, P. (2010). Opening Doors to Faculty Involvement in Assessment (PDF) (Occasional Paper #4). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).


Note: Please contact ACE to borrow a book.

Suskie, L. (2018). Chapter 7: Planning assessments in academic programs. In Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.