ATL Awards Four Assessment Mini-Grants in Spring 2016

The Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning is very pleased to announce that assessment mini-grant funding will be awarded to four undergraduate degree programs. 

The spring 2016 awarded programs and project titles are listed below:

EnglishStudent Interviews to Inform Curriculum Development and Revision - utilize a student worker to conduct and process interviews with undergraduates to assess student experiences, needs and perceptions; findings are intended to identify areas to target for program development and revision
Middle Level Math EndorsementMiddle Level Math Endorsement Program Assessment Project: Improve Measures - utilize a research assistant to revise a student survey and analyze survey results as well as manage the collection and pilot analysis of student work samples from required courses
PsychologyDissemination of Program Assessment Outcomes Data to the Psychology Faculty - utilize a student worker to assist in the compilation, analysis, and organization of assessment data into a comprehensive presentation for Psychology faculty
SociologyPilot Senior Portfolio Rubric Assessment - utilize a student worker to conduct analysis to test a rubric developed to assess student portfolios

As announced in January 2016, the deadline for proposal submission was March 7, 2016 for amounts up to $500. Programs will be utilizing grant funding to implement a project intended to improve systematic program-level assessment of student learning, support an innovative approach to assessment, and/or support faculty professional development in program-level learning outcomes assessment.

The Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning thanks all of those who took the time to submit an application. ATL continues to encourage all efforts connected to systematic assessment, innovation, and/or faculty development for assessment in undergraduate degree programs and will make every effort to offer additional assessment mini-grants in the future.