Smith Teaching & Learning Grants: Creating New Ways to Educate Students
WSU faculty with instructional responsibilities are welcome to apply for Smith Teaching and Learning Grants to fund innovative ideas that enhance teaching and learning at WSU. This year, the Smith Teaching and Learning Grants are giving priority to projects that seek to improve teaching and learning in ways brought to light by the degree’s assessment, sustainability, or student success in large classes. Proposals are particularly sought for innovations that demonstrably enhance undergraduate student learning. Applications are due March 30, 2017 with up to seven grants awarded for up to $7,000 each.
The Samuel H. and Patricia W. Smith Teaching and Learning Endowment was established on the occasion of President Smith’s retirement in 2000. The fund’s stated purpose is to “recognize and reward innovative ideas to enhance learning and teaching at WSU.” Grants for teaching and learning innovations awarded from the endowment align with his passion of “creating new ways to educate students.”
The focus areas detailed in the request for proposals (RFP) reflect important topics related to faculty development and teaching and learning, e.g. ways brought to light by the degree’s assessment; sustainability; or student success in large classes. For more information and the RFP, see the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education website.