Dr. Sam Swindell as Assessment Faculty Fellow, 2014-2015
The Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce that Samantha Swindell is the new assessment faculty fellow for the academic year 2014-2015.
Swindell is the director of the undergraduate program in the Department of Psychology, and the recipient of the President’s Distinguished Teaching Award for Non-tenure Track Faculty in spring 2014. Swindell teaches a variety of undergraduate courses for the department as well as mentoring undergraduate researchers and graduate instructors individually. Her educational research focuses on teaching methods, outcomes, assessment, and implementing assessment results in order to improve teaching and learning. She has also published in the area of behavior, conditioning and habituation.
As an assessment faculty fellow, Swindell will work with ATL staff through the academic year to develop assessment tools, give feedback from a faculty member’s perspective, and participate in assessment activities.