2014 Undergraduate Assessment Report Form Now Available
The 2014 assessment report form for undergraduate degree programs is now available on ATL’s website. Reporting annually on program assessment 1) helps programs take stock of their assessment activities, processes, and results, 2) assists in identifying needs and organizing next steps, 3) documents the development of useful and sustainable program assessment, and 4) contributes to WSU’s regional accreditation requirements.
The 2014 assessment report form is similar to the 2013 template. The most substantive change is in the file type; this year the format is an Adobe fillable form. ATL hopes that this format will lessen some of the difficulty in filling out the form and streamline summarization for college and institutional reports. Some other minor changes include reducing information requested in the program profile and professional development sections, requesting that programs with multiple degrees complete a short description in an addendum, and clarifying communication and assessment activities, particularly for urban campuses and online degree programs.
For additional information or support, consult the assessment specialist associated with the degree program.